Weight loss after birth is not a quick fix but a permanent and on-going process. If you're looking to lose post pregnancy weight fast and then return to your old eating habits, you will most definitely fail. Make a commitment to implement a permanent solution for your weight loss after birth and you will succeed just as quickly as going on a crash diet, just with permanent results.
The key is to figure out which habits are sabotaging your success with losing your post pregnancy weight and which ones might be supporting it. Then you get rid of the bad habits, such as consuming a lot of sugar, and replace them with healthy ones that are aligned with your goals.
Here is a list of 3 eating habits that work great for weight loss after birth:
Habit #1 - Eating smaller meals, more frequently
You probably heard of this before. The point is not to eat less than you used to, but to eat your food spread out during the day. This will keep your metabolism on a high level, which is responsible for burning fat.
Habit #2 - Eating the right carbs
Thanks to so called low-carb diets, people are scared of eating too many carbs. While some of them will hinder your success with weight loss after birth, or any kind of weight loss, you can't ignore them completely.
Carbs come in roughly two types: Processed and unprocessed. Processed carbs can be described as "white". White bread, pasta, processed rice, .. those are the kind of carbs you shouldn't eat too much of. On the other hand, anything made of whole-wheat is fine.
Habit #3 - Eating carbs at the right time
Basically, when processed by your body, carbs break down into sugar. And if you don't make use of your sugar during the day, it will be stored as fat in your body. So, make sure you eat high-carb meals early in the day, so you can make best use of the energy. For the evening, stick to veggies and lean protein for best results with weight loss after birth.
Bonus Habit - Drink enough water
Stay away from sugary beverages and stick to water. It takes a while to get used to but you can't ignore the health benefits of water. It's essential for burning fat, because it's needed by your body in the process. Drink enough water and form the habits described above, and you will soon fit into these tight sexy jeans again!
Of course, it's important to build the right meal plans around your new habits. It's important to learn the best way to put together your multiple meals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessie_A._Weidig
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