The best abdominal muscles exercises are the ones that tone and strengthen your abs. Eye popping abs are beautiful on both men and woman. It shows you value quality food over the processed garbage available today. And it shows you care about your health and would rather live a clean lifestyle rather than a polluted one.
Here are 5 quality abdominal muscles exercises you can use to start to turn your abs into sexy, shapely, and slim.
1. Exercise ball crunch - Place your bottom on the ball and place your hands over chest. Pull your head into your knees and this is important, squeeze your abs together and release. Return to the starting position. You do not need to do hundreds, a solid 25 with a good abs squeeze will be enough.
2. Push ups - What push ups? Yes push ups will strengthen your abs, it's a great movement for the entire core of your body as well as the chest. 3 sets of 25 reps and it should be enough. You should start to feel the burn in your abs on the second set.
3. Medicine ball lift - I love this exercise for the lower abs, it is a tough one, but man does it really help define the lower ab muscles. Place the ball between your ankles, make sure you are using a 4-5 lb. ball. Anything heavier may cause injury. Now, laying flat on your back lift your legs 10 inches off the ground and squeeze your abs. Repeat this over, you will feel the burn in this one. It's a one of the best abdominal muscles exercises you can do.
4. Praying abs - If you have a machine that has a pull down feature, this is a great movement. Get on your knees and grab the rope cable and pull down till you put your head in your crotch. I always end my ab routine with this movement.
5. Toe touchers - Lay flat on your back and lift your left leg upward toward the ceiling, then try to touch your right hand to your toes on the left foot. It's a great cross training movement that allows you striate your abs. Make sure to work slowly on this one.
I hope these fives abdominal muscles exercises help you attain the body you desire. Building core strength is fun and the great part about training abs is the variety of exercise you can try.
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